February 7, 2025

Become a Funding Partner

Become a Funding Partner

Are you interested in establishing an additional origination source for customers and transactions that are pre-screened to meet your credit and underwriting requirements?

Alliance Financing Group has been active in the commercial finance industry since 1989. Our management team has over 40 years of experience, and we have earned a reputation with our current funding partners as one of Canada’s most successful and respected originators of asset-based financing transactions.

We specialize in the small to mid sized business market, and have developed several distinct sales channels to distribute our wide selection of financing products and services to this market. These sales channels include:

  • Vendor Financing Programs – for companies that sell equipment, machinery or other capital assets to end-users.
  • Independent Sales Organizations (ISO’s) – organizations that employ a large sales force, providing similar, yet non-competing products or services to end-user business customers.
  • End-user Direct – through traditional and internet based marketing methods.

Alliance has developed strong partnerships with best-of-breed companies within each of these sales channels, and will continue to partner with key companies on an ongoing basis.

The High Tech Human Touch Model
Our technology and our people work hand in hand to deliver our solutions. Some companies have developed online financing marketplaces and use a tech-only approach, which typically attempts to match the needs and credit profile of applicants to products “warehoused” in a database of participating financial institutions. Upon receipt of a “hit” the client’s “deal” is passed off to the institution to be finalized.

Alliance is distinctly different. Our “High Tech-Human Touch” approach not only matches our applicants needs and profile to our database; but works with the client from start to finish to ensure that their financing transaction is matched to the appropriate product from the appropriate funding partner. We then work with the client and the funding partner to facilitate the entire transaction from end-to-end to structure it, handle the documentation and facilitate the funding and ongoing servicing. Depending on the type of transaction, the “ticket size” and the client’s credit profile, the entire procedure can range from fully automated to fully “hands on”, or anything in between.

What this means to our Funding Partners
As an Alliance funding partner, you can be assured of a an ongoing stream of financing transactions that have been pre-qualified and pre-screened to meet your requirements. For more information, please email to: info@alliancefinancing.com or contact Bernie Shimkovitz at 1-877-660-3660 ext 225.